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An opening cel of Teppei trying to stay astride the original X.
Teppei looks intense. Nothing new here!
Father Fou-Fou, looking frilly as usual.
Metalface, before he got his, um, metal face.
Ugly guard from the Machine Empire.
Dramatic Ron displays his weapon of choice.
Karen and Metalface clash in a show of, um... arms.
Here's Metalface with his Metal Face!
Karen works at her computer, in front of an enormous map.
Holy double vision, Batman, it's the guard again!
A fearsome big mech unit, seen from beneath.
Gorgeous Quattro!

Teppei looks intense. Nothing new here!
Sequence: B6
Layers: 1
Sketch: 1 Matching
Background: None

Bt X (12)
Here's one of a million moments where the camera zooms on Teppei's intense, reddish eyes. I'm guessing, because of the hue of his armor ("Battle gear...ON!") that this is from the Neo sequel, after he and X have gone through some rough times and some enhancements. Teppei is, all told, an interesting guy. He's stubborn and a bit blockheaded, but eventually he comes to understand that sentience is sentience, no matter what sort of form it wears.

Made it here

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Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.